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I’m here to help you do everything it takes to pass your FE exam and move one step closer to becoming a professional engineer. Passing the FE exam isn’t easy at all. It requires your commitment and sacrifice. Remember this. You’re doing all this for the long term. You’re doing it to build something for yourself. It will all be worth it in the end, and I’ll be by your side until the day you get that EIT title by your name!
I place a high value on lifting EVERYONE UP, not just those who are “naturally gifted” or “smart”. I firmly believe each student has an untapped capacity to learn anything with the right instructor support, quality instruction, and necessary discussions that naturally occur as each student continues to get better each day.’
Learning something new will require patience, commitment, long term thinking, and making a lot of mistakes. Yes, you will fail and make mistakes. This is precisly the feedback you need to get better one day at a time, one practice problem at a time. You will learn to accept these failures. You will gain valuable insights that will reframe your thinking towards a new approach and keep you on the right track throughout your FE preparation journey.
I’m here to give you all the tools I know that will help you breakdown all kinds of FE problems. By studying with me in the DirectHub course, I am certain that you will develop the mindset and problem-solving skills that are guaranteed to help you pass your FE exam!