Maintain your study focus for the FE exam by using the Pomodoro Method

Maintain your study focus for the FE exam by using the Pomodoro Method

So you’re excited to start your FE exam preparation. You gathered all the right resources. You have an NCEES FE exam approved Calculator. You have the latest NCEES FE Handbook 10.1. You are ready to study! You are committed to studying. But somehow your studying isn’t going as you expected. You can’t focus You can’t…

FE Exam – Keys to Success

FE Exam – Keys to Success

As in many professions, patience, practice, determination, and a strong work ethic underscore success. It is no different for the FE exam. Patience This is your journey of preparation, and you are only competing with yourself. Sometimes you won’t grasp the essence of an idea right away and that is normal. It just means you…

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