• See instant progress by doing relevant FE practice problems
  • Learn ALL the concepts to pass the FE exam
  • Develop good study habits by following a guided study plan
  • Apply tips and tricks to solve FE problems FAST
  • Cut the learning curve with dedicated support
  • Boost your career by passing your FE exam



  • You need to pass your FE exam in the coming months to get your EIT license
  • You’re a self-learner who enjoys learning with videos at your own pace.
  • You feel like you need a Civil FE exam course that will help kickstart your preparation from the ground up.
  • You failed your FE exam already and now you want to set yourself up for success using an online Civil FE prep course.
  • You are a busy engineer who wants to use a guided course structure to study for the Civil FE.
  • You’re committed to building a consistent study routine using a Civil FE exam preparation course.
  • You value personalized feedback and support from your instructor.
  • You’re looking for the most efficient way to learn everything you need to know without spending too much time and money on outdated, irrelevant, or boring courses.




Organized by the 2024 Civil FE Exam Specifications

This course is organized according to the latest 2024 NCEES® FE Civil specifications. 

800+ On Demand Videos

Each video will teach you the concept and the step-by-step problem-solving approach needed to get the correct answer.

50,000+ Words of Conceptual Reference Notes

This reference material contains all conceptual notes you need to learn the concepts for each Civil FE exam topic.

Calculator Training with Tips and Tricks

You will learn how to solve FE problems efficiently by using time-saving calculator methods and tricks.


You will get the chance to test your knowledge by doing quizzes designed to mimic FE-style problems you may see on exam day.

2 x Full Length Practice Exam

At the end of your studies, you will test your comprehension, practice your test-taking techniques and evaluate how well you’re performing in each subject prior to the real exam with computer simulated 110 Question practice exams. 

FE Handbook Simulator

Simulate real exam-day conditions by using your own FE Handbook when taking quizzes and full-length exams. This simulator allows you to use the search and bookmark functions to improve your test-taking speed by efficiently applying the FE Handbook. 

Study Planner and Progress Tracker

This montly & weekly progress tracker will hold you accountable by forcing you to engage in simple steps that can help you generate the energy, motivation, and plan you need to achieve your study goals one week at a time.

Private Chat

You will have exclusive access to a community chat where you can ask questions, form a study group, and directly chat with your instructor in real time.

Unlimited Instructor Support

Anytime you get stuck, need assistance, are unsure, or simply need an extra push in the right direction, you’ll have direct access to Farouq email and live chat. Farouq will always be by your side during your entire FE exam preparation. 

What students say:

After becoming an EIT, Joana got that job offer she always wanted…..

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
I passed the FE Civil exam last month after graduating in 2017. I believe passing the exam also helped me big time to a couple of job interviews and I have already worked my first week as a Jr. Water Resources Engineer. I applied before passing the exam for a good few months, but no success in getting job interviews. I took your prep course last summer and I believe it helped me review a lot of the material along with FE Prep for more practice problems, and studying by using one of the pomodoro techniques. I appreciate that you were able to communicate within a reasonable amount of time in your prep course when I had a question or comment. Thank you again, Farouq!”

“…go with him and he will carry you to pass this exam.”


Your FE exam preparation needs to be under your full control. If you want to pass your FE exam, you must

  • Build the right study mindset by taking small, actionable steps. 
  • Apply the right analysis skills required to solve FE style questions.
  • Use the right resources to prepare for the 2024 Civil FE exam.



This exam is daunting and building the right mindset for it will take time. Whether this is your first try or you failed the FE multiple times already, you will overcome your fear of this exam by taking small, actionable steps. With time, you will develop the right study habits to pass your FE exam.

By using this course, you will build the right mindset by:

✔ Building a realistic study plan that will keep you motivated to study on a consistent basis

✔ Building your confidence as you slowly build a structured, consistent study routine

✔ Unlearning your bad study habits and replacing with the right habits

✔ Overcoming your fears and intrusive thoughts by redefining your measure of success

✔ Feeling that you are capable of doing so much more than you thought you can


In order to pass this FE exam, you must develop the right problem-solving skills. With the help of this course, you will enhance your problem-solving abilities so that you are able to break down and solve all types of FE style problems. The skills you discover will be immediately applicable to FE problems

By using this course, you will learn and apply the right skills by:

✔ Applying all the Civil FE Equations in the latest NCEES® FE Handbook 10.4

Learning and practicing the step-by-step process needed to solve FE problem without getting stuck

Developing your conceptual understanding to the point where you can breakdown and tackle FE conceptual questions

✔ Applying a repeatable method for solving thousands of FE-type questions correctly

✔ Solving FE problems without overthinking, getting confused, or overwhelmed.

✔ Solving FE problems without making silly mistakes

Learning and practicing the step-by-step process needed to solve FE problem without getting stuck

Using the most efficient methods to solve hundreds of practice problems


You want to set yourself up for success by using the right resources. The last thing you want to do is waste time studying for the FE Exam using outdated/boring/irrelevant material. This course will provide you with ALL of the resources you will ever need to pass your FE exam.

By using this course, these resources will help you pass your FE Exam by:

✔ Organizing your studying by the latest 2024 NCEES® Civil FE Exam Specifications

✔ Building your problem-solving abilities by using 2024 NCEES® FE Handbook 10.4

✔ Building your conceptual knowledge when it comes to solving FE Conceptual Questions

✔ Applying an active learning approach by solving 1000+ FE style problems

✔ Testing yourself using quizzes and a full-length practice exam

✔ Learning how to apply your Calculator solve FE problems a lot faster

Learn With Farouq

Hi 👋 I’m Farouq

I’m the instructor and founder of Directhub.

For the past 5 years, I have worked full-time as a private tutor helping hundreds of students pass their FE exam. Before building the directhub platform, I worked as a content creator, subject matter expert, and tutor for the following companies and schools: 

Having worked one-on-one with hundreds of FE exam students for the past 5 years, I’ve gained valuable insights about the frustrations and obstacles these students faced before passing their FE. Using this exprience, I decided to address these challenges by carefully crafting this Civil FE course.

This course was not built in a day, weeks, or months. It took years and it’s always being updated to address the latest FE exam changes. By enrolling in this course, you won’t just get a bunch FE practice problems. You will get the most up to date quality resouces, personalized instructor feedback, study tips just for the FE exam, and my unlimited support until the day you pass your FE exam.

I want you to know that I will be by your side throughout your entire preparation. This is your course and I will do everything in my power to help you pass your FE Exam.

What you’ll learn

This course covers ALL the latest 2024 NCEES® Civil FE Exam Specifications.

A. Analytic geometry
B. Single-variable calculus
C. Vector operations
D. Statistics (e.g., distributions, mean, mode, standard deviation, confidence interval, regression and curve fitting)

A. Codes of ethics (professional and technical societies)
B. Professional liability
C. Licensure
D. Contracts and contract law

A. Time value of money (e.g., equivalence, present worth, equivalent annual worth, future worth, rate of return)
B. Cost (e.g., fixed, variable, direct and indirect labor, incremental, average, sunk)
C. Analyses (e.g., breakeven, benefit-cost, life cycle, sustainability, renewable energy)
D. Uncertainty (e.g., expected value and risk)

A. Resultants of force systems
B. Equivalent force systems
C. Equilibrium of rigid bodies
D. Frames and trusses
E. Centroid of area
F. Area moments of inertia
G. Static friction

A. Kinematics (e.g., particles, rigid bodies)
B. Mass moments of inertia
C. Force acceleration (e.g., particles, rigid bodies)
D. Work, energy, and power (e.g., particles, rigid bodies)

A. Shear and moment diagrams
B. Stresses and strains (e.g., diagrams, axial, torsion, bending, shear, thermal)
C. Deformations (e.g., axial, torsion, bending, thermal)
D. Combined stresses, principal stresses, and Mohr’s circle
E. Elastic and plastic deformations

A. Mix design of concrete and asphalt
B. Test methods and specifications of metals, concrete, aggregates, asphalt, and wood
C. Physical and mechanical properties of metals, concrete, aggregates, asphalt, and wood

A. Flow measurement
B. Fluid properties
C. Fluid statics
D. Energy, impulse, and momentum of fluids

A. Angles, distances, and trigonometry
B. Area computations
C. Earthwork and volume computations
D. Coordinate systems (e.g., state plane, latitude/longitude)
E. Leveling (e.g., differential, elevations, percent grades)

A. Basic hydrology (e.g., infiltration, rainfall, runoff, watersheds)
B. Basic hydraulics (e.g., Manning equation, Bernoulli theorem, open-channel flow)
C. Pumps
D. Water distribution systems
E. Flood control (e.g., dams, routing, spillways)
F. Stormwater (e.g., detention, routing, quality)
G. Collection systems (e.g., wastewater, stormwater)
H. Groundwater (e.g., flow, wells, drawdown)
I. Water quality (e.g., ground and surface, basic water chemistry)
J. Testing and standards (e.g., water, wastewater, air, noise)
K. Water and wastewater treatment (e.g., biological processes, softening, drinking water treatment)

A. Analysis of statically determinant beams, columns, trusses, and frames
B. Deflection of statically determinant beams, trusses, and frames
C. Column analysis (e.g., buckling, boundary conditions)
D. Structural determinacy and stability analysis of beams, trusses, and frames
E. Elementary statically indeterminate structures
F. Loads, load combinations, and load paths (e.g., dead, live, lateral, influence lines and moving loads, tributary areas)
G. Design of steel components (e.g., codes and design philosophies, beams, columns, tension members, connections)
H. Design of reinforced concrete components (e.g., codes and design philosophies, beams, columns)

A. Index properties and soil classifications
B. Phase relations
C. Laboratory and field tests
D. Effective stress
E. Stability of retaining structures (e.g., active/passive/at-rest pressure)
F. Shear strength
G. Bearing capacity
H. Foundation types (e.g., spread footings, deep foundations, wall footings, mats)
I. Consolidation and differential settlement
J. Slope stability (e.g., fills, embankments, cuts, dams)
K. Soil stabilization (e.g., chemical additives, geosynthetics)

A. Geometric design (e.g., streets, highways, intersections)
B. Pavement system design (e.g., thickness, subgrade, drainage, rehabilitation)
C. Traffic capacity and flow theory
D. Traffic control devices
E. Transportation planning (e.g., travel forecast modeling, safety, trip generation)

A. Project administration (e.g., documents, management, procurement, project delivery methods)
B. Construction operations and methods (e.g., safety, equipment, productivity analysis, temporary erosion control)
C. Project controls (e.g., earned value, scheduling, allocation of resources, activity relationships)
D. Construction estimating
E. Interpretation of engineering drawings

15 – Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

This course was created to help you pass your FE Civil Exam. If you feel like it does not serve that purpose, you will get your money back when requested within 15 days of enrollment. No questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

A minimum of 3 months is recommended if you work full time to ensure you can review and practice through the majority of the course content.

  • The 1-month plan is recommended if you recently graduated and you don’t work full time. You will need to study like a full time job.
  • The 3-month plan is recommended if you work full time but you do not have a family and kids. You will need commit to at least 2 to 3 hours each day for the entire study duration of 3 months.
  • The 6-month plan is recommended if you work full-time and you’ve been out of school for a while. If you have a family and kids, a minimum of 6 months is recommended.
  • The 1 year plan is recommended if you work full-time, have a family, and have been out of school for a while. If you prefer going at your own pace by studying a little each day as you slowly ease into studying without too much pressure, this might be the right plan for you.

No. All the course videos and lessons are pre-recorded.

This course is on-demand meaning you can study at your own pace at anytime.

This course COVERS ALL TOPICS on the 2024 Civil FE exam. This includes the first section (morning topics) and the second section (afternoon topics).

ALL TOPICS are presented and organized just like how they are presented in the NCEES specifications.

You will have on-demand access to hundreds of video practice problems for each FE Exam topic. You can access the course material at anytime and anywhere.

You will have access to lecture/concept videos with accompanying lecture notes that can be downloaded and printed.

You have access to 45,000+ words of printable lesson notes that references EVERY single equation used in FE Handbook 10.3. These notes are accessible through the course platform.

You will test yourself after covering each topic with timed quizzes with detailed step by step solutions.

You will also get a full-length practice exam consisting of 110-Questions extremely relevant to the 2024 FE Civil Exam with full, step by step solutions.

The video practice problems and lecture material are downloadable and printable. The videos themselves are NOT downloadable.

Yes! We strive to create the most comprehensive FE Civil Exam preparation content out there today. We DO NOT skip any topic and will make sure we cover all the 2024 NCEES FE Exam topics. If you ever feel like a topic isn’t covered adequately, let us know and we will make sure we do so.

You can email me or place a comment directly under the lesson, topic, or practice video and I will get back to you in no less than 24 hours. I will make sure to answer all your questions so you’re never confused and never stuck on a concept or problem.

Email me at

Don’t forget, you can also join the discord chat where you can ask question live.

We cover the majority of the practice problems by using the TI-36X Pro. But we also have full videos showing how to use both the TI-36X Pro and the Casio fx-115 for many practice problems that require the application of the calculator.

All the practice problems, lesson notes, and lecture notes are printable. The videos themselves cannot be downloaded.

Never. All subscription plans are set on manual renewal. You’re in control.

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